Today I walked around Paris by myself with some cash, my camera and a couple of metro tickets, I was told to walk around Paris for as long as I wanted then to come home.
This Map shows the route I took

The first image is all of Paris, and it is separated in different sections and they are numbereed 1-20. Technically the Population is only 2 mill inside Paris but, the outer suburbs (the white area around Paris, sorry I couldn't show you all the suburbs) contain 12 mill. these These two areas, Paris and the outer suburbs are separated with a 8 lane "Ring road".
The second Image is just a close up of the area I walked in.
Any way, as I walked past the Arc' I took some Photos. Here are two photos,one from each side of the Arc'

While walking down the Champs Elysees (shonz eliza, one of the many main roads in Paris) I saw the Toyota show rooms where they were exhibiting some DIFFERENT looking hybrid Cars.
The Obelisk
After I took some Photos of the Obelisk I bought a French hot-dog, Which is about a third of a baguette that has had a spike pushed 80 per cent length ways into it then the "sausage" is put into the hole. I thought about taking a photo of this strange version of a hot-dog but thought I would look really weird taking pictures of my food in the middle of the street, so I found someone on Google doing it for me.
And I bought a Coke like her as well, but not Coke light or Coke zero, just regular sugar and caffeine filled Coke. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm I'm thirsty now.
On the close up map above ^ There are the words"The Obelisk" below those words is a blue circle which is a water fountain. Pic below

This was one of the last photos I took Because I forgot to put the memory card into my camera so I only had internal memory to work with. Yeah that was pretty stupid.
Here is something I have only seen in Paris 3 times and never in NZ, a three wheeled motorbike scooter thingie